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Information Health Jakarta : Men who begin to go bald at the age of 20 years, or so-called typical male pattern baldness (male pattern baldness), two times greater risk of suffering from prostate cancer in the elderly. Thus the conclusion of a study published in the journal Annals of Oncology.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men aged 50 years and over. These cancers often grow silently in the prostate gland without any symptoms until after spread to the bone and surrounding tissues.

a young baldness, or called typical male pattern baldness (male pattern baldness), two times greater risk of suffering from prostate cancer in the elderly.


Tumor antigen
Antigens are foreign substances that are known and are the targets to be destroyed by the immune system. Antigen found on the surface of all cells, but under normal circumstances, a person's immune system does not react to the cell itself.

If a cell becomes malignant, the new antigen (which is not recognized by the immune system) appears in the cell surface. The immune system may recognize new antigens, called tumor antigens, as foreign and can transport or destroy cancer cells. But well-functioning immune system was not always able to destroy all cancer cells.

The Cancer mesothelioma& Immune System