2011-09-04 - WORLD HEALTH


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The signs of Cancer Mesothelioma cancer symptoms
Cancer is a scourge for anyone. This disease sometimes appear at any time and can affect anyone, without giving any symptoms or signs of anything.

Among the many types of cancer, there are no symptoms early in its development. Signs usually appear just after the cancer is growing rapidly. In fact, with alert and find the cancer early symptoms, course of treatment will be relatively easier.

If it's too late, the cancer can spread to various organs and complicate the healing process. Therefore, it helps us recognize some of the following symptoms of cancer. Symptoms of cancer are extremely diverse and can vary in every state and every patient. At least 15 cancer symptoms you need to watch out for:

1. Changes in the breast

Beware of 15 The signs of Cancer Mesothelioma cancer symptoms

Information Health Jakarta : Men who begin to go bald at the age of 20 years, or so-called typical male pattern baldness (male pattern baldness), two times greater risk of suffering from prostate cancer in the elderly. Thus the conclusion of a study published in the journal Annals of Oncology.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men aged 50 years and over. These cancers often grow silently in the prostate gland without any symptoms until after spread to the bone and surrounding tissues.

a young baldness, or called typical male pattern baldness (male pattern baldness), two times greater risk of suffering from prostate cancer in the elderly.