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Health has always been our main concern in life. So that we can always carry out all the activities in our lives that are still running. We will now inform you of the results of our study of the genomic epidemiology of the SARS-CoV virus.

Genomic Researcher with Specialization in Handling Small-Scale Outbreaks and Pandemic Scale (Genomic Epidemiology), Dr Dhany Saputra said, the corona virus or COVID-19 which attacks the respiratory system in humans, has mutated into hundreds of types since its appearance in December 2019 in Wuhan, China.

6 Things Revealed by Indonesian Epidemic Genomic Researchers About the Corona Virus, Mutations to Remdesivir", the following is a summary.

1. Mutate really fast

 Not a few research experts to find out how mutations are formed in the virus that has attacked 212 countries and territories.

In general, Outbreak Genomic Researcher Dr. Dhany Saputra responded that mutation is the nature of the virus as has happened with the recent corona virus.

"So in general the virus is indeed in its nature, in its nature it is easy to mutate. It's not only coronavirus, all types of viruses," said Dhany.

2. Corona virus can be handled but many died

There are certain ways that can be done to immediately resolve the corona virus pandemic according to Dr. Danny Saputra.

"The first one was fast and many died or (the second) took a long time, a few died, maybe even people who are sick with coughing and colds," he said.

The first way is to let the corona virus spread so that more patients are exposed than the number of doctors.

There is no need for physical distancing, lockdown, or PSBB to prevent the spread so that it is easy and fast.

More and more people are infected with the virus, over time, herd immunity will appear or become immune to the cause of infection because they have been sick before.

The implementation of strict restrictions on community activities also affects the mutation of the corona virus itself.

According to Dhany, this policy was taken by developed countries in Scandinavia, namely Denmark, Finland, and Norway.

3. Vaccines may not work

Dr. Dhany Saputra said in his interview that mutations do not just happen, but are influenced by the antibodies of infected humans.

4. The experimental drug Remdesivir is considered to have strong potential to cure the corona virus.

The development of the experimental drug Remdesivir, which was previously used to treat Ebola in West Africa in 2018 has proven to be quite effective.

5. Corona virus can be killed by washing hands

The researcher emphasized that washing hands regularly is the most effective technique to prevent corona virus infection.

"So, so that it doesn't reach our internal bodies, for example, like touching our faces, rubbing our eyes, or something like that, we have to wash our hands first," said Dhany.

"Basically, it has hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties. So, the hydrophilic will bind water, hate fat, and hydrophobic it hates water and binds fat." he said.

That fat becomes the envelope or wrapping of the virus so that everyone is expected to wash their hands often to stay healthy.

6. Don't spray disinfectant

All are trying to take various preventive actions including spraying disinfectants on buildings and people.

But the genomics researcher warns of the dangers of doing so.

According to him, the disinfectant liquid that usually comes from clothes bleach is quite effective in killing the corona virus.

Epidemic Genomic Researchers About the Corona Virus


Autism Spectrum Disorder | ASD | For Parents & Patients

Okay so what is autism autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition that should be considered as a spectrum has the name you want to experience different ways people with ASD of born with the condition and it stays with them lifelong why is the occurs we don't fully understand however it appears to be a genetic link.

we have a parent or sibling who suffers from a state increase risk of 4 times more common in boys than girls ASD is relatively calm estimated to affect around 1 in 54 people that means around 6.5 million people living with autism in the u.s.a. loan with Millions more were ASD doesn't discriminate affects all ethnic groups and whether you're rich or poor it doesn't matter so we can all benefit from a better understanding of the condition one.

of the Hot Topics is whether the MMR vaccine cause is Buddhism don't article published in the Lancet medical journal back in 1990 office reported an association between the MMR vaccine and the development of course the resulting in the significant reduction in vaccine uptake significant flaws in the story The Journal has since returned to the development of operating thousands of patients to examine any association between MMR vaccines and a state the results of This research a clear there is no association between for many of us the bias of social media and they want to protect our children will naturally mean we question as a parent and you should make up your own decision but I enjoy you to review the evidence I'll Supply link to the study in the description below as parents we should also know the bad parenting poor diet and viruses do not cause a state what are the symptoms of a spectrum disorder at the main suggest is a spectrum and everyone's experience of autism in different people with Autism.

autistic people can have any level of intelligence song with a lower IQ and some of the remarkably high IQ sometimes individuals with high-functioning ASD or giving it to Sarah how about around 30% with an intellectual disability and 40% scroll link the symptoms of ASD can be split into four groups Festival of Social Challenges individuals with ASD may have trouble developing relationships with other people frequently individuals will feel more comfortable being alone unlock interesting for the individual this can result in challenges in developing friendships if you suffer from SD you may also find it more difficult to read people around one in three children .

with ASD will also experience from Social Development this means I may lose line skills just saying goodbye for waiting next are impaired language and communication ASD Surfers may have a distorted or delayed speech and language development this may be also associated with an individual's mail cell phone necessarily repeat the words of others is called activate children and people with Autism often struggle with this phone 

I'm finally stereotypes for ritualistic Behavior some movements are commonly seen in individuals with ASD spacing of ritualistic how can I see be diagnosed. if you are concerned that you or your child is suffering from ASD should discuss your concerns with your regular doctor help special education. School in order for diagnosis to be made you for your child will require a referral to a specialist 14 sometimes waiting times, knowing how your child plays and interacts with other children is also important that for your specialist may I also request report from your child's school teacher but I don't see as likely to T-Mobile plus review your previous medical history

how do we treat autism is not condition that can be cured at least you to a different wiring to the brain the main goal of health professionals.

Here are some common treatment options for people with autism:

1. Behavioral and Communication Therapy

This therapy is done by providing a number of lessons for sufferers, including basic daily skills, both verbal and nonverbal. Here are some examples of behavioral and communication therapy, namely:

Applied behavior analysis (ABA), to increase positive behavior and prevent negative behavior.

Occupational therapy, which aims to help with life skills such as dressing, eating, and relating to others.

Sensory integration therapy, to help someone who has problems with touch or with sights or sounds.

Speech therapy to improve communication skills of people with autism.

2. Family Therapy

This therapy is intended for parents and families of people with autism. The goal is for families to learn how to interact with the sufferer and also teach the patient to speak and behave normally.

3. Drug Administration

Giving drugs can not cure autism, but can control the symptoms. Examples include drugs to treat seizures, medications to treat behavioral problems, medications to treat depression, and medications to treat sleep disorders.

Autism Spectrum Disorder | ASD | For Parents & Patients

what is a basal cell carcinoma skin cancers are the most prevalent of all cancers and they can be broadly split into two times cell carcinoma skin cancers BCC sometimes called rows and ulcers are by far the most prevalent of all skin cancers making of greater than 75% of all new skin cancer diagnosis in the US to learn approximately 3.6 million cases of bee species are diagnosed each these skin cancers are usually considered as locally invasive meaning down likely to spread some very rare cases reported its well-established exposure to UV radiation is the predominant cause of BCC development experience several factors that increase your risk for the development of white skin cancer the highest risk who is at risk of developing these include being of a fairy skin type of species going to 91 prevalence is far higher in the past and never towns are the highest risk exposure individual experience higher levels of radiation which increases the chance of developing skin cancer is in an old age group likely due to the accumulation of damage over the many years of life however, these are still presenting I've already received treatment for skin cancer in the past will be an increase risk of developing if you receive an increase risk of developing which medications medications which are used to suppress the immune system drugs increase your risk long-term exposure to exist in the world is highly toxic and can lead to long-term exposure to the cast for consumption of contaminated drinking water cigarette smoking, leave there's some rare inherited condition switches golden god syndrome 11 / 2 cell phone looks like there's a great deal of variation herpes lesions usually develop the classical presentation at BCC is for patients to report the development of a translucent skin examined Champaign ill patients often means lesions are easier to do it or primary care physician and perform a Critical examination of the lesion in many cases do you use a hand-held microscope shut the diagnosis of PCP suspected you likely to be referred to a specialist for further investigation treatment or you may require small biopsy to be taken by helping your specialist to size treated the type of training you will receive will be dependent on the nature the pieces you have size and its location Ellie small and superficial PCS can sometimes be amenable to last invasive treatments include anticancer creams available
Anticancer treatments that can be prescribed by your specialist the most commonly used available this medication works by destroying precancerous and caps for sales if you're prescribed this medication and show you for your doctor's instructions when applying this medication a local skin reaction is to be expected however if your skin is so you should reconcile with your doctor after treatment Sometimes steroid cream can be prescribed inflammation quickly there may be some pain during the procedure but this is usually well tolerated by patients after treatment a scab will form a few days this is a procedure is performed under local anesthetic describe the wife and the base of the word is burnt electrically heated instrument apply special cream to the cream makes the cells in your skin cancer more sensitive to specific wavelength of light when a special life is applied because his destruction of the skin cancer cells regions which I'm not amenable to treatment for most commonly treated with such a this means to surgically removed the procedure is typically performed administrative action this means you'll be awake because Legions under the surface

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) | Skin Cancer | Dermatology for Patients