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Bronchitics (Bronchiectasis) is a destruction and widening (dilatation) of abnormally large airways. Bronchitics is not a single disease, can occur through various ways and is the result of several circumstances that the bronchial wall, either directly or indirectly, which disrupt the defense system. This situation is probably widespread, or might appear in one or two places.

In particular, bronchitics causes enlargement of the bronchi of medium size, but small-sized bronchi that are below it often forming scar tissue and narrowing. Bronchiectasis sometimes occurs in the larger bronchi, as occurs in allergic bronchopulmonary spyglasses (a condition caused by an immunological response against the fungus Aspell's).

illness and their causes Bronchitics (Bronchiectasis)

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach.

Layer resist gastric irritation and usually resistant to strong acid. But the stomach lining to become irritated and inflamed due to several causes:

Gastritis is usually the result of bacterial infection by Helicobacter pylori (the bacteria that grows in the mucus-producing cells in the lining of the stomach). No other bacteria that normally grow in the acidic stomach, but if the stomach does not produce acid, various bacteria can grow in the stomach. These bacteria can cause gastritis or gastritis settle temporarily.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. ( maag )

The brain & Nervous Disease

The brain abscess is a localized accumulation of pus in the brain.
A brain abscess is rare and may be a result of:
  • The spread of infection in other parts of the head (egg, teeth, nose or ears)
  • Head injury that penetrates into the brain
  • Infections in other parts of the body, which is spread through blood.
A brain abscess can cause various symptoms, depending on location. Symptoms can include headache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, seizures, personality changes, and other symptoms of brain dysfunction. These symptoms can occur within several days or several weeks. Initially patients experience fever and chills, but these symptoms could disappear when the body successfully ward off the infection.

The best examination to find a brain abscess is a CT scan or MRI. Biopsy performed to rule out the possibility of tumor or stroke and to determine the organism causing the abscess.

Treatment for brain abscess is an antibiotic, the most commonly used are penicillin, metronidazole, nursling and cephalosporins (egg seftizoksim). Antibiotics are usually continued until 4-6 weeks and a CT scan and MRI examination was repeated every 2 weeks. If antibiotics are unable to solve this situation, then performed surgery to remove the pus.

Sometimes the abscess led to increased pressure and swelling in the brain. The situation is very serious and can cause permanent brain damage, so given corticosteroids and other drugs (egg mannitol) to reduce brain swelling and reducing the pressure inside the brain.

The brain & Nervous Disease | A brain abscess can cause various symptoms